Rio de Janeiro GHG Emissions Inventory and Climate Change Mitigation Opportunities slide image

Rio de Janeiro GHG Emissions Inventory and Climate Change Mitigation Opportunities

Centro Clima CENTRO DE ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS SOBRE MEIO AMBIENTE E MUDANÇAS CLIMÁTICAS Investment Opportunities in Brazilian Cities Waste Management (1) ✔Landfill gas collection and destruction systems in flares (or system upgrades and improvements to existing landfills). Total mitigation potential (2020 - 2050): Reference Scenario: 274.4 MtonCO2e = 9.8 Mt CH Mitigation Scenario: 428.4 MtonCO₂e = 15.3 Mt CH4 Landfill costs (revenues not included): ☐ 200t/day - Capex USD 3.9 million - Opex USD 19.2 million (20 year lifespan) ☐ 2000 t/day - Capex USD 18.1 million - Opex USD 130.2 million (20 year lifespan)
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