Investor Presentaiton
All time high earnings in offshore sites
and FID on Greater Changhua 2b & 4
Strategic highlights - Q1 2023
• Final investment decision on the 920 MW offshore wind farms Greater
Changhua 2b & 4 in Taiwan
• 884 MW proposal submitted to Rhode Island's offshore wind solicitation
together with JV partner, Eversource
Floating wind lease awarded for the 100 MW Scottish Salamander Project
MoU signed with Acciona to explore options for floating offshore wind
foundations in Spain
150 MW corporate power purchase agreement signed with Google from the
268 MW onshore project Helena Wind, US
Acquisition of the 160 MW Irish solar project, Garrenleen
⚫ EU legislation introducing binding targets for green hydrogen in industry,
transport, shipping and aviation
Submitted bid to the Danish Energy Agency for our carbon capture and
storage project, Kalundborg Hub
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