Investor Presentaiton
NV Energy
Business Update
• Retail load growth
Nevada Power: Actual retail load for nine-months ending September 30, 2021, was 18,575
GWh; an 812 GWh (4.6%) increase compared with the same time period last year, primarily
due to increased large customer usage relative to the same period in 2020, which was down
due to the COVID-19 pandemic
Sierra Pacific: Actual retail load for nine-months ending September 30, 2021, was 8,504
GWh; a 286 GWh (3.5%) increase compared with the same time period last year, primarily
due to increased large customer usage relative to the same period in 2020, which was down
due to the COVID-19 pandemic
• In September 2021, the Nevada Utilities filed an application for the approval of their
Economic Recovery Transportation Electrification Plan to accelerate transportation
electrification in the state of Nevada
Pursuant to Senate Bill 448, the plan proposes the development of a public charging
network, including NV Energy-owned charging infrastructure
If approved, NV Energy would invest $100 million over the period of January 1, 2022, to
December 2024
• In 2022, Sierra Pacific will file its triennial general rate case
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