23rd International Exhibition for the Oil and Gas Industry slide image

23rd International Exhibition for the Oil and Gas Industry

NEFTEGAZ NEFTEGAZ NEFTEGAZ NEFTEGAZ NEFTEGAZ EFTEGAZ NEFTEGAZ NEFTEGAZ NEFTEGAZ NEFTEGAZ SPONSORS AND PARTNERS: A RECORD NUMBER AT ALL TIMES Systême electric Энергия. Технологии. Надежность. ЭЛЕКТРОЩИТ CHNT FF Fluid-Line Avalon CAMAPA Электротех ▬▬▬▬▬ Empower the World USTA 4343 экра HEPTO MAW 20 ХИМПРОМ ХИМИЯ БЕЗ ГРАНИЦ JеrеH таграс нефтесервисный холдинг H 东方先科 DFXK Dong Fang Xian Ke NEFTEGAZ NEFTEGAZ automiQ SOFTECH ENGINEERING COMPANY PROSOFT SYSTEMS ГЕРДА GERDA UTair KERUI LASTIC Вертолетные услуги НТА-ПРОМ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ РЕШЕНИЯ СЕРВИС rpunna полипластин ΤΟΜΠΟ EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds: a permanent meeting place for fuel and energy professionals since 1978 369 foreign participants 表 410 Russian participants 509 newcomers 12 regional group stands www.neftegaz-expo.ru/en Albatros, AvalonElectroTech Scientific and Production Association, Automiq Software, Borovichi Refractories Plant, VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation, Velan, Gazprom, Gerda Industrial Science Enterprise, DFXK Petroleum Machinery, GORELTEX Plant, Zavod Innovatsionnyh Tekhnologiy (ZIT), Kazakhstan Petroleum Equipment Manufacturing Plant, Kamkabel, EXHIBITORS Kolomensky Zavod (TMH), Kuibyshev Telekom-Metrologiya NPP, NKMZ-Group, NTA-Prom, Tempo, OMK, Polyplastic Group, Prosoft-Systems, Proton, Relematika, Reman-Service, Samson Controls, SIMACO (Siberian Machinebuilding Company), Systeme Electric (formerly Schneider Electric in Russia), Spetskabel TagraS Holding, Tatneft-Presscomposite, Tobol, Tomskcable, Transneft, TMK, TREM Engineering, Urals Pipe Works (Uraltrubprom) Ufagidromash, Cable Alliance Holding, Uralmash Oil and Gas Equipment Holding, Fluid-Line, PARTICIPATING COUNTRIES Himprom, OGS (Oil & Gas Systems), CHEAZ, CHETA, EKM Holding, EKRA, Energomash, Electroshield Samara, Emicon, UTair Helicopter Services, Jereh Group, KERUI Group, SJ Petroleum Machinery Co., Sinopec, etc. Azerbaijan Belarus China Germany India Iran C⭑ Turkey Israel Italy Kazakhstan Russia South Korea NEFTEGAZ NEFTEGAZ NEFTEGAZ NEFTEGAZ NEFTEGAZ NEFTEGAZ NEFTEGAZ NEFTEGAZ NEFTEGAZ NEFTEGAZ NEFTEGAZ NEFTEGAZ NEFTEGAZ NEFTEGAZ NEFTEGAZ NEFTEGAZ NEFTEGAZ NEFTEGAZ NEFTEGAZ
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