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Investor Presentaiton

Extending the Portfolio across Food & Beverages S Padar! Sangis Kitchen chezwan Mustard Smoky Tikka Mayonnaise Mayonnaise Mayonnaire gets Mayonnaise KARMIQ GREENITIA Riss from witsin Bruschetta Pila Chy Pita Chips Pradlich Bradicks send DESIATTA FUTURE CONSUMER for the Fast Moving Consumer DESIATTA CHANA SATTU ATTA -ROASTED GRAN AFTA- MULTIGRAIN BHATURA MIX Activate your taste buds with the launch of an exciting new range of Mayonnaise from Sangi's Kitchen Introducing 4 new flavors: 1. Mustard 2. Schezwan 3. Smokey Tikka 4. Eggless Mayonnaise Launched Pooof Wafflets in three flavors: 1. Strawberry Candy Floss 2. Belgian chocolate 3. Coffee hazelnut Karmiq Green Tea Introduced new range of green tea with 4 different flavors: 1. Mint & Rose 2. Jasmine 3. Lemon & Honey 4. Classic Baker's street launched exotic rage of Biscotti, Pita chips, Bruschetta and bread sticks Continue to launch new variants 1. Channa Sattu Atta 2. Multigrain Bhatura Mix 3. Paratha Mix Investor Presentation 20 20
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