Bank of Ireland 2019 Credit Presentation slide image

Bank of Ireland 2019 Credit Presentation

Income Statement Divisional performance Bank of Ireland 2019 Credit Presentation 12 months ended Dec 19 Operating Profit pre-impairment Underlying profit/(loss) before tax and additional gains, valuation and other items valuation and other items¹ Additional gains, Underlying profit/(loss) before tax (€m) (€m) (Єm) (€m) Retail Ireland 513 469 (1) 468 Wealth and Insurance 169 134 35 169 Retail UK - € 219 168 3 171 Retail UK - £ 193 149 3 152 Corporate and Treasury 537 481 (26) 455 Group Centre & other (396) (389) (397) Transformation Investment charge (108) (108) (108) Group 934 755 3 758 Operating Profit 12 months ended Dec 18 pre-impairment Underlying profit/(loss) before tax and additional gains, valuation and other items Additional gains, valuation and other items¹ Underlying profit/(loss) before tax (€m) (€m) (€m) Retail Ireland 488 665 (16) (€m) 649 Wealth and Insurance 67 114 (47) 67 Retail UK - € 219 170 12 182 Retail UK - £ 194 150 11 161 Corporate and Treasury 527 465 21 486 Group Centre & other (336) (319) (17) (336) Transformation Investment charge (113) (113) (113) Group 852 982 (47) 935 1 Excludes IFRS income classifications which is fully offset in net interest income Bank of Ireland 41
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