Geo-information Systems and Retail Real Estate Analysis
RRG employees: who are they?
The RRG employees were involved in creating
concepts for 85 properties
Now our staff includes more than 100 skilled specialists - analysts, market experts, GIS specialists, business and
real estate appraisers, investment analysts, PR experts, architects, 3D visualizers, brokers, experts in real estate
development, management and investments. The uniqueness of our employees is in their universality. In other
words, each analyst has a perfect command of the appraiser's methods and techniques; any appraiser knows and
understands what is needed by a broker etc. Most of our employees hold two university degrees. One of them is
basic or fundamental education (degrees from MGU, MFTI, MAI and other prestigious Moscow universities) and
another is applied (degree in economics and management at The Financial Academy and The Academy of National
Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics, etc. Many
also hold - many employees also have). Many also hold CCIM and MBA degrees, being certified real estate market
analysts and attested evaluators. RRG motivates its employees in such a way that each of them is interested in the
success of any particular project and company's development in general.View entire presentation