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Investor Presentaiton

COMMITMENT TO SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ENVIRONMENTAL We are actively working towards the implementation of green energy At both Campo Morado and Tahuehueto Mines, Altaley is working with various groups assessing proposals to install solar power to supplement the operations existing energy demands. Some options include funding through partnering. SOCIAL School built in Tahuehueto ▪ In Tahuehueto, during exploration the Company constructed the first school and medical clinic for the local community. It also contributed to improving infrastructure, such as electricity, water supply and filtration systems, and sanitation improvements for residents near the mine site Local hiring and procurement policies have been adopted to ensure that benefits flow to the communities and regions surrounding both projects. Campo Morado currently employs 64% of its labor force from the area. Altaley is an equal opportunity employer currently employing & training both men and women at both mines GOVERNANCE As a listed company in the TSX Venture Stock Exchange, we have high standards of transparency and corporate governance to support sustainable development Clinic Built in Tahuehueto Clínica Sierra Soleada Management in meetings with local community
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