Bank of Ireland 2020 Debt Investor Presentation slide image

Bank of Ireland 2020 Debt Investor Presentation

Regulatory Ratios RWAS €50.1bn (25bps) 15.0% Regulatory CET1 ratio 40bps (50bps) 130bps Bank of Ireland 2020 Debt Investor Presentation (25bps) (65bps) 75bps (75bps) (15bps) RWAs €48.4bn Impairment EL offset (230bps) 60bps IFRS 9 addback 80bps RWA reduction 40bps Net impact (50bps) +10bps Regulatory Capital Demand 14.9% Dec 19 Phasing impacts¹ Organic capital2 Dividend removal Credit deterioration Loan growth/ RWA³ Regulatory SME & Software Transformation Other / Pension change investment Dec 20 21 21 Movement in CET1 ratio broadly aligned with movement in fully loaded ratios with reduced impact of credit deterioration during the period due to IFRS 9 addback Tier 1 & Total Capital Increase of c.70bps in Tier 1 bucket following AT1 issuance during 2020 CET1 Regulatory Capital Metrics CET1 Ratio Dec 19 15.0% Dec 20 14.9% Tier 1 Items/Instruments: 1.3% 2.0% Tier 1 Ratio 16.3% 16.9% Tier 2 Items/Instruments: 2.3% 2.3% Total Capital Ratio Risk Weighted Assets MREL Ratio 23.8% Leverage Ratio 7.1% 18.6% €50.1bn €48.4bn 24.6% 7.1% 19.2% MREL 1 See slide 55 for additional detail No material change to Tier 2 bucket Potential for modest Tier 2 issuance following P2R composition change AT1 and senior debt issuance of c.€1.1bn during 2020 MREL ratio of 24.6% based on RWA at Dec 2020 2 Pre-impairment organic capital generation primarily consists of attributable profit excluding impairment and movements in regulatory deductions 3 Loan growth / RWA movements from changes in loan book mix, asset quality and movements in other RWAs Bank of Ireland
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