Digitalization Programs for Brazil 2018-22 slide image

Digitalization Programs for Brazil 2018-22

Sectorial Context | Energy Market Structure Rules and structure Buyers Market Mechanisms Sellers ◉ ■ enel REGULATED MARKET (~70%) Generators Traders (only existing energy) Public Auctions (conditions defined by Government) Long terms PPA FREE MARKET (-30%) Generators Self-producers Traders Bilateral Trading (conditions defined by the agents; freely negotiated) Who can participate? Large consumers (>= 3 MW) Special consumers (0,5 MW ≤ cl <3 MW) renewable energy only What is the term of PPAs in regulated auctions? New energy: 15-30 year contracts Existing energy: 1-15 year contracts Distribution (regulated consumers) Free Consumers Short term Settlement Market How does Settlement Market work? Monthly settlement of the difference between generation and contracts at Spot Price (PLD) 26
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