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Investor Presentaiton

ROX RESOURCES Regional Drilling Programme Linda Gossan Prospect VMC054: 9m @ 15.6 g/t Au from surface including 3m @ 35.2 g/t Au from 1m Youanmi Base Metals Project Pincher Zn-Pb-Cu-Au Prospect VPW64 VPW62 Pincher North Dome 10m @ 5.1% Zn from 68m 6m @ 2.33% Zn from 96m including 1m @ 4.09% Zn from 98m VPW60 7m @4.2% Zn from 87m 20m 1.2% Zn & 0.38% Pb & 0.17g/t Au from 68m VMC049 VMCD598 VMC051 OVMC055 Linda gossan VPW40 10m 7.31% Zn from 52m including 6m 9.5% Zn from 55 m PWC16 YOUANMI BASE METALS PROJECT E 57/986 E 57/1019 PWC12 MC038 68 VPW42 4m 2.27% Zn from 95m 9m 15.6 g/t Au from surface including 3m @35.2 g/t Au from 1m LEGEND Franca gossan O VMC RC holes completed this quarter Tenement boundary IP Anomaly (10mv chargeability outline) Outline of mineralized zone and gossan Historical VMC drill hole (refer ASX release 27 April 2017) Historical ground EM conductor (Survey by BHP reinterpreted by Newexco for Apex Minerals NL) PWC03 (WAMEX report A84346) 12m @ 2.22% Zn & 0.15% Cu from 128m including 4m 5.02% Zn from 128m 250 500 m M 57/642 675000E Sovereign Prospect YSRC014: 8m @ 5.03 g/t Au from 160m including 2m @ 15.83 g/t Au from 160m and 3m @ 2.86 g/t Au from 165m Currans Find - Taylor's Reef Historical production of 6,874 tons at a recovered average grade of 13 g/t Au RC result: Best results from the recent drilling at Taylor's Reef Prospect include: ○ CFRC084 3m @ 19.58g/t Au from 21m incl. 1m @ 55.81g/t Au from 23m, and 3m @ 14.30g/t Au from 73m incl. 1m @ 19.86g/t Au from 74m 。 CFAC047 2m @ 6.67 g/t Au from 57m incl. 1m @ 12.27g/t Au from 58m 474.500 MC VENUS METALS 874400 7470 75,000 CFRC074 1m5.40 git Au from 87m CFRC042 4m @9.25 gt Au from 46m including 2m 16.05 gt Au from 48m CFRC16 3m @27.5 gt Au from 38m including fm @72.67 gt Au from 35m CFRC14 2m 13.34 gt Au from 61m including 1m 25.38 g/t Au from 61m CFRC32 1m39.61 git Au from 9m CFRC076 1m @4.80 gt Au from 86m CFRC47 [email protected] gt Au from 90m including fm @15.30 gt Au from 92m and 2m @5.05 gt Au from 111m CFRC31 3m25.00 gt Au from 109m including 1m57.15 gt Au from 110m CFRC26 3m @32.58 gt Au from 115m including fm 76.03 gt Au from 115m Taylors Reef Prospect CFAC047 2m 6.67 g/t Au from 57m Including PWC03 fm @ 12.27gt Au from 58m CFRC084 3m 19.58g/t Au from 21m including 1m @ 55.81g/t Au from 23m, and 3m @14.30gt Au from 73m Including 1m 19.86gt Au from 74m 675,400 mE meters CFRC46 fm @ 13.32 gt Au from 110m and 2m @1.84 gt Au from 128m Currans North Prospect CFRC069 2m @ 3.26 gt Au from 144m CFRC071 2m5.60 gt Au from 163m Currans Find JV Gold Project Recent RC hole with high grade Au Collar position of holes with > 4g/t Au intersections (ASX Releases-15 April 2019, 23 April 2019, 13 June 2019, 24 June 2019, 5 August 2013, 27 August 2019 and 5 September 2019) Recently drilled AC holes • Previously drilled RC/AC holes Notes 1. Refer to Venus Metals Corporation Limited (ASX: VMC) announcements: 15 April 2019, 11 September 2020, 18 September 2020, and 10 October 2022 VRAC171 VRAC172 8m @ 1.92 g/t Au from 28m Incl. 4m @ 2.57 g/t Au from 28m 4m @ 0.37 g/t Au from 52m 8m @ 0.37 g/t Au from 60m 86m 4m @ 2.68 g/t Au from 116m Incl. 1m @ 5.4 g/t Au from 118m Zam 52 8m @ 5.03 g/t Au from 160m Incl. 2m @ 15.83 g/t Au from 160m, and 3m @ 2.86 g/t Au from 165m 675,800 180m 180m OPEN YSRC009 77 VRAC173 YSRC010 VRAC175 Surface 4m @ 1.86 g/t Au from 18m 3m @ 1.98 g/t Au from 24m Top of fresh rock 45m 7m @ 3.97 g/t Au from 59m Incl. [email protected]/t Au from 64m 10m @ 3.64 g/t Au from 79m Incl. 2m @ 10.64 g/t Au from 82m 2m @2.28 g/t Au from 121m Gold intersection with Au grade histogram (cut-off 10g/t) RC/AC drill hole (VMC JV) Interpreted gold-mineralized zone associated with quartz veins Weathered zone & transported cover Mafics with minor ultramafic & intermediate rocks 675,900 17
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