SFIL Group Investor Presentation
■ SFIL is the French local government and export financing agency and has a clear leadership
position in the French market for both activities
■ The public development bank business model of SFIL has proven its strong resilience in the current
pandemic context
Strong credit ratings by three agencies, with two ratings of SFIL directly aligned with the French
Strong business outlook, with the activity of SFIL in support of the French export activity and of
local public investments closely aligned with the French economic recovery plan
■ SFIL is part of the large public financial pole headed by CDC Group with a letter of comfort
provided by CDC as reference shareholder, complemented by a direct letter of support by the State
Strongest financial results since the creation of SFIL for the year 2021 underline the resilience of
the public development bank business model of SFIL
Funding via regular issuance by SFIL in the SSA market and by CAFFIL in the covered bond market
as largest public sector covered bond issuer
■ Debt issued by both SFIL and CAFFIL is classified as LCR Level 1, and eligible for purchases under
PSPP in the case of SFIL, and under CBPP in the case of CAFFIL
■ Since 2019, issuance under green and social bond format represents a growing share of total
SFIL Group Investor Presentation
March 2022View entire presentation