Advent Capital Balanced Strategy Update
Step 1: Screen the Convertible Securities Universe
Use a convertible valuation model to identify theoretically cheap convertibles with attractive risk/reward profiles offering 75% - 85% of the
underlying equity upside, while limiting downside risk to approximately 50%.
Step 2: Analyze Credit Quality
Extreme focus on the credit quality of potential investment. Seek to identify stable-to-improving trends in cash flow and interest coverage.
Confirm that investment value provides worthy downside protection.
Step 3: Analyze Equity Fundamentals
Examine the equity fundamentals, identifying company and industry dynamics that may act as intermediate catalysts for stock price
appreciation including accelerating earnings momentum, changing industry dynamics, new product announcements, and corporate
developments including restructuring or takeover and relative valuation.
Step 4: Security Selection and Portfolio Construction
Utilize a bottom-up process to identify theoretically cheap convertibles with stable-to-improving fundamentals. Investment ideas are put
forward and reviewed in an interactive process between portfolio managers and analysts. Investment meetings are held twice weekly (or on
an ad hoc basis) to discuss new issues, analyst recommendations and portfolio investments. Once a recommended security is approved by the
portfolio managers, it is added to the Reservoir. Security position sizes are determined in order to achieve the optimal risk/reward.
Step 5: Continual Portfolio Monitoring and Risk Management
Determine whether each security is maintaining its investment potential and adhere to a sell discipline if the security no longer offers the
appropriate risk/reward characteristics.
Idea Generation
Credit Fundamentals
Equity Valuation
Security Selection &
Portfolio Construction
Portfolio Monitoring &
Risk Management
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