Bausch Health Companies Shareholder Engagement Presentation Deck
Voting Items
1 Proposal 1: Election of directors
Thomas J. Appio¹
Richard U. De Schutter
Sarah B. Kavanagh³
Richard Mulligan, PhD4
Steven D. Miller
Brett Icahn
Dr. Argeris (Jerry) N. Karabelas² Joseph C. Papa5
2 Proposal 2: Advisory vote on executive compensation
Robert N. Power
Russel C. Robertson7
Thomas W. Ross, Sr.8
Amy B. Wechsler, MD
3 Proposal 3: Increase the number of common shares authorized for the Company's Amendment
and Restated 2014 Omnibus Incentive Plan
4 Proposal 4: Appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as independent auditor
1. Chief Executive Officer, Bausch Health
2. Chairperson, Talent and Compensation Committee
3. Chairperson, Finance and Transactions Committee
4. Chairperson, Science and Technology Committee
5. Chairman, Bausch Health and Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Bausch + Lomb
6. Chairperson, Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee and Chairman-Designate (upon separation)
7. Chairperson, Audit and Risk Committee
8. Chairperson, Lead Independent Director
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