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Investor Presentaiton

Total Credit Portfolio (mp) The total credit portfolio were 26,609 million pesos for the 1Q 2022, 3.7% lower than 4Q 2021. Commercial loans decreased 2.4% to 23,072 million pesos, while consumer loans down 11.7% to 3,537 million pesos. Actinver IQ 16 2Q 16 ■Commercial ■Consumer 23,072 3Q 16 4Q 16 IQ 17 2Q 17 3Q 17 4Q 17 IQ 18 2Q 18 3Q 18 4Q 18 IQ 19 2Q 19 3Q 19 4Q 19 IQ 20 2Q 20 3Q 20 4Q 20 IQ 21 2Q 21 3Q 21 4Q 21 1Q 22 2Q 22 3,537 3Q 22 4Q 22 26,609 Credit Type (mp, %) 1Q 22 4Q 21 1Q 21 Porfolio Commercial Consumer 26,609 27,634 24,783 23,072 23,628 21,566 3,537 4,006 3,217 VS. 4Q 21 -3.7% 7.4% -2.4% 7.0% -11.7% 10.0% VS. 1Q 21 Weighted Average Maturity of Credit Portfolio (years, Banco Actinver, IT 2022) 1.87 Commercial Consumer 2.12 24 24
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