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Investor Presentaiton

ICAO., ICAO ENVIRONMENT ACT>SAF HELPING COUNTRIES TAKE ACTION ON THE DEVELOPMENT AND DEPLOYMENT OF SUSTAINABLE AVIATION FUELS УНО ОБЫГОДНЕЙ ОН 2021УТИМЕГЕ ТАРШОК ЕЛЕГА 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • . Background: This section will provide a brief overview of th reasons for conducting the study and its main obje Key findings: This section will summarize ti important and relevant informat Feasility Study Template omprehensive Version 'y, including the bility study, highlighting the most nd its stakeholders. This should DRAFT • include an overview of the diffe expanding the development the key fi Policy enviro. environ. Opportunit This sectio ential from th ifferent t admap d ock th were evaluated, the potential for d the critical success factors for the ation of Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF), including of the current policy environment related to SAF, including standar, and guidelines. It will also provide an analysis of the policy sting State and the policy implications of the study's findings. 11 identify and describe the opportunities for implementing SAF, including the eedstock expansion, the availability of financing, and the potential for reducing gas emissions. It will also highlight any challenges and barriers that need to be din order to realize these opportunities. The Executive Summary will provide a concise, high-level overview of the entire feasibility study, highlighting the most important and relevant findings and recommendations for decision-makers. It will provide an overview of the background, the key findings of the study, policy environment and the opportunities mapped. Abbreviations & Acronyms List of Figures & Tables SAF feasibility Studies ICAO is currently developing a template for SAF Feasibility Studies - - - Ensure coherence across studies, increased quality Harmonized structure (more practical/quantitative) Ensure alignment with ICAO's methodologies and guidance Include information relevant to facilitate financing Facilitate outreach of results of the studies ICAO consulted more than 100 ACT-SAF Partners on the draft template by end of May Very useful feedback received, to be consolidated in the final version. 9
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