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Investor Presentaiton

Bradanic trough Apenninic chain Vesuvio Lithology and landslides distribution in Basilicata region Adriatic Sea N Bari Apulian foreland asso di Castalda Craco SG. Tyrrhenian Sea Eolian Islands TA Taranto Gulf Calabrian trench Ionian Sea 100km Modified by Bentivenga et al., 2017 Bradanic Trough and piggy-back or intramontane basin infills Apenninic units Calabrian units APULIA Lavello Melfi Rionens Veama Apulian platform Maro Lucano Irina Pleistocene or active Volcanoes Avigliano Potenza Front of the apenninic nappes Fluvio-lacustrine plains Coastal and terraced areas Bradanic Trough and Sant'Arcangelo Basin Fluvio-karst and ravine of Matera Murgia Arenaceous terrains of the Apenninic chain Pliocene intrachain basins Volcaninc area Clayey terrains of the Apenninic chain Silico-calcareous terrains of Apenninic chain Calcareous terrains of Apenninic chain Sogliano Apulian platform margin Corlet CAMPANIA Forebulge axis (SG) Sangineto and (TA) Taormina tectonic lines Maratea A Tyrrenhian sea A r Trace of the cross-section Lagonegro CALABRIA Modified by Lavecchia et al., 2003 Matera Policoro Metaponto lonian sea 10 km
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