Carbon Footprint Methodology for Automotive Products
2.3 Calculation Methodology
■Components production stage
Mainly include carbon emissions from the production of parts materials, semi-finished products and auto parts
Scope of accounting
It mainly includes the production of composite materials, semi-finished products and auto parts.
Accounting method
China Automotive Technology and Research Center Co., Ltd.
C Part production = ΣE, × CEF, +E₁× NCV, × CEF,') + M co₂
Carbon emissions from parts production = carbon emissions from energy or fuel production + carbon
emissions from energy or fuel use +CO₂ emissions leakage
CPart Production-carbon emissions from parts processing, in kgCO2e;
E, - purchased amount of energy or fuel r, in kWh, m³ or kg;
CEF, - carbon emission factor for energy or fuel r production, in kgCO₂e/kWh, kgCO₂e/m³ or kgCO₂e/kg;
CEF' carbon emission factor for energy or fuel ruse, in tCO2e/GJ,
NCV, - the average lower heating value (LHV) of energy or fuel r, in GJ/t, GJ/104m3;
Mco₂- amount of CO2 emitted during welding, in kgCO₂e.
2. Components production
1. Material production stage
3. Vehicle production stage
4. Vehicle use stage
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