Investor Presentaiton slide image

Investor Presentaiton

Total Return Performance Over Time TSR performance under Jerome Davis vs. S&P 500 TSR performance under Thomas Kelly vs. S&P 500 $450 $450 $400 +266% $400 $350 $350 $300 $300 +177% $250 $250 $200 $200 $150 $150 $100 $100 $50 $50 -63% -65% $0 $0 Oct-05 Feb-08 Jul-10 Dec-12 Apr-15 Sep-17 Jan-20 Jul-12 Oct-13 Jan-15 Apr-16 Jul-17 Oct-18 Jan-20 GME -S&P 500 -GME -S&P 500 Significant underperformance under the leadership of Jerome Davis and Thomas Kelly! restore GameStop Source: FactSet. Note: Share price data until January 31, 2020. 45
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