Investor Presentaiton slide image

Investor Presentaiton

2021 2020 29. Expenses by nature Canada 2,549 1,789 Spain 1,117 789 Switzerland 902 540 2021 Turkey 780 480 Morocco 702 546 Uruguay 585 513 Luxembourg 526 388 Cost of products sold and services rendered General and Selling administrative Total Bolívia 455 357 Raw materials, inputs and consumables 24,301 Tunisia 387 337 Employee benefit expenses (a) 3,257 32 481 6 1,523 24,339 5,261 Japan 315 242 Depreciation, amortization and Singapore 309 399 depletion 3,466 48 123 3,637 Chile 307 259 Transportation expenses 3,157 67 5 3,229 Colombia 301 187 Outsourced services 1,928 83 797 2,808 Taiwan 289 148 Other expenses 1,825 190 387 2,402 Austria 241 180 37,934 901 2,841 41,676 Italia 122 78 Equador 84 46 2020 Belgium 74 157 Cost of products Alemanha Other countries 59 185 sold and 2,389 1,487 services General and rendered Selling administrative Total 49,008 35,383 Raw materials, inputs and consumables 16,393 25 (ii) Revenue by currency Employee benefit expenses (a) 3,072 436 1 16,419 1,196 4,704 Depreciation, amortization and 2021 2020 depletion 3,114 47 132 3,293 Real 22,867 17,052 Transportation expenses 2,518 48 2 2,568 US dollar 17,563 12,372 Outsourced services 1,617 83 747 2,447 Canadian Dollar 2,545 1,788 Other expenses 1,710 250 425 2,385 Argentine pesos 2,119 1,186 28,424 889 2,503 31,816 Euro 1,174 922 Moroccan Dirham 701 546 Turkish lira 594 351 Uruguayan peso 545 470 Bolivian 432 355 Dinars tunisia 386 337 Other currencies. 82 4 49,008 35,383 184 =
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