Arla Foods Consolidated Annual Report 2021 slide image

Arla Foods Consolidated Annual Report 2021

110 Arla Foods Consolidated Annual Report 2021 / Consolidated Financial Statements / Notes Funding 4.7 PENSION LIABILITIES Table 4.7.g Recognised in the income statement (EURM) 2021 2020 Current service costs Administration costs Recognised as staff costs Interest costs on pension liabilities Interest income on plan assets Recognised as financial costs Total amount recognised in the income statement 5 4 5 4 23 -21 22 30 -28 2 7 6 Contents III Accounting policies Pension liabilities and similar non-current liabilities The group has post-employment pension plan arrangements with a significant number of current and former employees. The post-employment pension plan agreements take the form of defined benefit plans and defined contribution plans. Defined contribution plans For defined contribution plans, the group pays fixed contributions to independent pension companies. The group has no obligation to make supplementary payments beyond those fixed payments, and the risk and reward of the value of the pension plan therefore rests with plan members, and not the group. Contributions to defined contribution plans are expensed in the income statement as incurred. Defined benefit plans Defined benefit plans are characterised by the group's obligation to make specific payments from the date the plan member is retired, depending on, for example, the member's seniority and final salary. The group is subject to the risks and rewards associated with the uncertainty whether the return generated by the assets will meet the pension liability, which are affected by assumptions concerning mortality and inflation. The group's net liability is the amount presented in the balance sheet as pension liability. The net liability is calculated separately for each defined benefit plan. The net liability is the amount of future pension benefits that employees have earned in current and prior periods (i.e. the liability for pension payments for the portion of the employee's estimated final salary earned at the balance sheet date) discounted to a present value (the defined benefit liability), less the fair value of assets held separately from the group in a plan fund. The group uses qualified actuaries to annually calculate the defined benefit liability using the projected unit credit method. The balance sheet amount of the net liability is impacted by remeasurement, which includes the effect of changes in assumptions used to calculate the future liability (actuarial gain and losses) and the return generated on plan assets (excluding interest). Remeasurements are recognised in other comprehensive income. Interest cost for the period is calculated using the discounted rate used to measure the defined benefit liability at the start of the reporting period applied to the carrying amount of the net liability, taking into account changes arising from contributions and benefit payments. The net interest cost and other costs relating to defined benefit plans are recognised in the income statement. The net liability primarily covers defined benefit plans in the UK and Sweden. Table 4.7.h Recognised in other comprehensive income (EURM) 2021 2020 Remeasurements of defined benefit plans Actuarial gains and losses on liabilities from changes in financial assumptions (OCI) Actuarial gains and losses on liabilities from changes 44 -153 in demographic assumptions (OCI) 17 Return on plan assets, excluding amounts included in net interest on the net defined benefit liability Total amount recognised in other comprehensive income -47 141 -3 5 AA Uncertainties and estimates The defined benefit liability is assessed based on a number of assumptions, including discount rates, inflation rates, salary growth and mortality. A small difference in actual variables compared to assumptions and any changes in assumptions can have a significant impact on the net position.
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