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Investor Presentaiton

| SALES Data in € millions 30/06/18 30/06/19 30/06/20 Sales 586.1 615.1 568.9 Change 2020/19 -7.5% +2.7% 615.1 +4.9% -7.5% 586.1 568.9 20 Q2 332.0 315.4 +2.1% +5.3% 277.6 -16.4% -7.2% like-for-like June +19.9% -20.3% May Q2 2020 Change on a like-for-like basis Strong growth in January and February in most markets Almost universal downturn in mid- March due to the severity of the health crisis Spectacular fall in April, followed by a change of course in May and a significant upturn in June in many countries Peak of the crisis at one of the key points of the year (awnings season) 10 Q1 270.7 +3.5% 283.1 +4.6% 291.3 +2.9% -45.4% April H1 2018 H1 2019 H1 2020 26 SOMFY
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