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Investor Presentaiton

Securities portfolio (Stocks) | Net Gains (Losses) related to Stocks (JPY B) Net Gains (Losses) 137.1 10.6 Consolidated Japanese stock portfolio³ (JPY B) Consolidated, acquisition cost basis Reduction of JPY 300.0B by Mar-22 from Mar-19 related to ETFs and others 1,060 No. of stock names 4 970 882 Net Gains (Losses) on sales 1 168.1 12.1 2.0 15.9 -43.8 1.9 1,419.8 3.1 -5.8 -4.1 -99.2 Impairment (Devaluation) -41.6 1,164.6 -41.6 -354.5 1,065.3 Mar-19 Mar-21 Mar-22 FY19 FY20 FY21 Unrealized Gains (Losses) 6 - Net gains (losses) on sales Taking into account the profit on sale of stocks, Stocks 1,687.6 1,665.7 1,472.4 implemented operations to improve the soundness of o/w gains 1,748.9 1,739.9 1,542.6 unrealized losses on bare funds 2 o/w losses -61.3 -74.1 -70.1 Impairment (Devaluation) Bear Funds² -155.4 -29.8 - Impairment of certain shareholdings without market value o/w sales -315.8 o/w impairment losses -45.4 Reverted stocks from the Employee Retirement Benefit Trust 12.0 (temporal increase) 1. Net Gains (Losses) on sales of stocks + Net Gains (Losses) on Derivatives other than for trading. 2. Hedging transactions aiming to fix unrealized gains on Japanese stocks. 3. Other Securities which have readily determinable fair values. 4. BK, Stocks listed in Japan. 5. O/w sales: -JPY 96.4B, impairment losses: -JPY4.3B. 6. Changes in value to be recorded directly to Net Assets after tax and other necessary adjustments. MIZUHO 60
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