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Investor Presentaiton

Group income statement Change Change GEL thousands, unless otherwise stated Interest income Interest expense Net interest income Fee and commission income Fee and commission expense Net fee and commission income Net foreign currency gain Net other income Operating income Salaries and other employee benefits Administrative expenses Depreciation, amortisation and impairment Other operating expenses Operating expenses 1Q22 1Q21 4Q21 y-o-y 9-0-9 521,294 (249,844) 428,580 21.6% 509,563 2.3% (216,248) 15.5% (239,492) 4.3% 271,450 212,332 27.8% 270,071 0.5% 106,673 76,446 39.5% 113,664 -6.2% (47,841) (27,796) 72.1% (49,564) -3.5% 58,832 48,650 20.9% 64,100 -8.2% 64,484 19,176 236.3% 34,495 86.9% 983 23,482 -95.8% 10,579 -90.7% 395,749 303,640 30.3% 379,245 4.4% (78,329) (60,223) 30.1% (80,501) -2.7% (33,702) (23,563) 43.0% (43,552) -22.6% (24,627) (22,561) 9.2% (25,256) -2.5% (1,697) (1,012) 67.7% (1,463) 16.0% (138,355) (107,359) 28.9% (150,772) -8.2% Profit/(loss) from associates 126 167 -24.6% 128 -1.6% Operating income before cost of risk 257,520 196,448 31.1% 228,601 12.7% Expected credit loss on loans to customers (29,856) (28,236) 5.7% 9,836 NMF Expected credit loss on finance lease receivables (1,284) (931) 37.9% (3,406) -62.3% Other expected credit loss and impairment charge on other assets and provisions 38,707 (14,950) NMF (14,174) NMF Cost of risk 7,567 (44,117) NMF (7,744) NMF Net operating income before non-recurring items 265,087 152,331 Net non-recurring items 48 17 Profit before income tax expense Income tax expense Profit 265,135 (24,563) 152,348 (13,424) 74.0% 182.4% 74.0% 83.0% 220,857 20.0% (62) NMF 220,795 20.1% (20,076) 22.4% 240,572 138,924 73.2% 200,719 19.9% Profit attributable to: - shareholders of the Group - non-controlling interests Earnings per share (basic) Earnings per share (diluted) 239,715 138,214 857 710 73.4% 20.7% 199,889 19.9% 830 3.3% 5.06 2.87 76.3% 4.25 19.1% 5.00 2.87 74.2% 4.12 21.4% 63
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