Financial Strategy and Ecosystem Platform Expansion slide image

Financial Strategy and Ecosystem Platform Expansion

② Cost containment whilst funding digitisation and investment in business 2 Drivers for a lean operating model Absorbing inflationary pressures and investments in the business by cost saves from further staff and footprint optimisation • Transformation plan in progress to enable modern banking by digitally transforming customer service and internal operations • Automations and centralisation of backoffice activities • Reduction of restructuring expenses to single digit as de-risking largely complete 2022 Outlook C/I ratio¹ expected to rise in 2022 before improving to 50-55% by 2025, as revenues remain under pressure and operating expenses increase due to higher IT/digitisation investment costs Total operating costs¹ <€350 mn despite inflationary pressures € mn C/I ratio¹ expected to rise to mid 60s% before improving to 50-55% 347 Well below 350 Below 350 Mid-60s% 60% 50-55% FY2021 FY2023 FY2025 FY2021 FY2025 Reduction of restructuring expenses to single digit € mn 88 43 38 36 <10 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 2025 1) Excluding special levy on deposits and other contributions 44
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