Analytical Assessment of Inclusive Growth in Bangladesh
1. Poverty and
2. Growth and
3. Employment
4. Access to
Infrastructure and
Public Services
Inclusive growth index: Pillars and indicators
The proportion of the population living below nationally determined poverty lines
The proportion of the population living below the $1.90 per day per person
international poverty line in 2005 prices
Global hunger index
Gini coefficient
Palma ratio
The income share of the poorest 60% of the population
Real rate of growth of gross domestic product per capita
Share of manufacturing in total value added
Value of agricultural production per hectare
Private investment as a share of GDP
Export concentration index
Value added per worker
Labour force participation rate
Unemployment rate
Youth (aged 15-24 years) unemployment rate
Share of the employed in industry
Share of the employed in manufacturing
Share of own account and contributing family workers
Proportion of the population with access to electricity
Number of mobile phone subscribers per 100 people
Number of internet users per 100 people
Proportion of the population with access to safe water
Proportion of the population with access to adequate sanitation
|Per cent of paved roads over total roads
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