Investor Presentaiton
Overview of Macquarie
Operating Groups
1Q23 Update
Balance sheet highlights
Balance sheet remains solid and conservative
Term assets covered by term funding, stable deposits, hybrids and equity
Short-term wholesale funding covered by cash, liquids and other short-term assets
Total customer deposits¹ continuing to grow, up 21% to $A101.5b as at Mar 22 from $A84.0b as at Mar 21
$A2.8b of equity capital raised through institutional placement and SPP during FY22
$A48.3b² of term funding raised during FY22:
- $A21.7b of term wholesale issued paper comprising of $A20.9b of senior unsecured debt and $A0.8b of subordinated
unsecured debt
-$A9.5b draw down of the RBA Term Funding Facility (TFF)³
- $A6.8b of PUMA RMBS securitisation issuance
-$A6.6b of syndicated unsecured loan facilities
- $A3.0b refinance of secured trade finance facilities; and
- $A0.7b of BCN3 Hybrid instrument issuance
1. Total customer deposits as per the funded balance sheet ($A101.5b) differs from total deposits as per the statutory balance sheet ($A101.7b). The funded balance sheet reclassifies certain balances to other funded balance sheet categories. 2. Issuances cover a range of tenors, currencies and product
types and are AUD equivalent based on FX rates at the time of issuance. Includes refinancing of loan facilities. 3. $A9.5b of Supplementary and Additional Allowance drawn in Jun 21. $A1.7b of Initial Allowance was drawn in Sep 20.
O Macquarie Group Limited
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