Capital Adequacy and Divisional Performance slide image

Capital Adequacy and Divisional Performance

Funding and Liquidity Highlights Loan to Deposit Ratios (%) Liquidity in the UAE banking system improved in 2009 primarily due to initiatives taken by the UAE Ministry of Finance and UAE Central Bank Funding remains stable and deposit mobilisation initiatives proved successful ■ Continue to access stable interbank lines and source bilateral deposits at attractive pricing Liquidity backstop facilities of USD 5.4b unused ■ Access to wholesale funding remains challenging term debt maturity profile is well within our funding capacity total wholesale debt represents 8% of liabilities repaid scheduled USD 1.6b in 2009 and USD 0.8b in Q1 2010 Composition of Liabilities (%) Q4 2009 100% = USD 69.9b Q1 2010 = 100% USD 67.7b Headline LTD Ratio % Adjusted LTD Ratio % 129% 126% 127% 122% 118% 119% 117% 118% 118% 111% 109% 109% 108% 103% 99% 100% 101% 102% 98% 98% Q2 09 Q3 09 Q4 09 Q1 10 Q4 07 Q1 08 Q2 08 Q3 08 Q4 08 Q1 09 Note: Adjusted LTD ratio includes Debt Issued and Other Borrowed Funds, Sukuk Payable and Tier 1 Capital Notes in the denominator Maturity Profile: Debt Issued (USD million) 100% = USD 5.2b Debt / Sukuk Others 4% Issued 10% Banks 13% Emirates NBD Debt / Sukuk Issued 8% Others 4% 1,046 2,070 Banks 13% 823 823 Customer deposits 73% Customer 555 deposits 100 284 62 367 124 75% 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 FY Q2 Q3 Q4 Note: Debt Issued includes EMTNs of USD 3.7b and syndicated borrowings from banks of USD 1.5b 21 21
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