Investor Presentaiton
Appendix 7: Definitions - credit quality.
90 days past due
and not impaired
Includes facilities where:
Contractual payments of interest and / or principal are 90 or more calendar
days overdue, including overdrafts or other revolving facilities that remain
continuously outside approved limits by material amounts for 90 or more
calendar days (including accounts for customers who have been granted
hardship assistance); or
An order has been sought for the customer's bankruptcy or similar legal
action has been instituted which may avoid or delay repayment of its credit
obligations; and
The estimated net realisable value of assets/security to which Westpac
has recourse is sufficient to cover repayment of all principal and interest, or
where there are otherwise reasonable grounds to expect payment in full and
interest is being taken to profit on an accrual basis.
These facilities, while in default, are not treated as impaired for accounting
Stage 2: Lifetime ECL
- performing
Stage 3 Lifetime ECL -
For financial assets where there has been a significant increase in credit risk
since origination but where the asset is still performing a provision for lifetime
expected losses is recognised. Interest revenue is calculated on the gross
carrying amount of the financial asset
For financial assets that are non-performing a provision for lifetime expected
losses is recognised. Interest revenue is calculated on the carrying amount net
of the provision for ECL rather than the gross carrying amount
Provision for
expected credit
losses (ECL)
Expected credit losses (ECL) are a probability-weighted estimate of the cash
shortfalls expected to result from defaults over the relevant timeframe. They are
determined by evaluating a range of possible outcomes and taking into account
the time value of money, past events, current conditions and forecasts of future
economic conditions
Collectively assessed provisions for expected credit loss under AASB 9
represent the Expected Credit Loss (ECL) which is collectively assessed in
pools of similar assets with similar risk characteristics. This incorporates forward-
looking information and does not require an actual loss event to have occurred
for an impairment provision to be recognised
Includes exposures that have deteriorated to the point where full collection of
interest and principal is in doubt, based on an assessment of the customer's
outlook, cash flow, and the net realisation of value of assets to which recourse
is held:
Facilities 90 days or more past due, and full recovery is in doubt: exposures
where contractual payments are 90 or more days in arrears and the net
realisable value of assets to which recourse is held may not be sufficient to
allow full collection of interest and principal, including overdrafts or other
revolving facilities that remain continuously outside approved limits by
material amounts for 90 or more calendar days;
Non-accrual facilities: exposures with individually assessed impairment
provisions held against them, excluding restructured loans;
Restructured facilities: exposures where the original contractual terms have
been formally modified to provide for concessions of interest or principal for
reasons related to the financial difficulties of the customer;
Other assets acquired through security enforcement (includes other real
estate owned): includes the value of any other assets acquired as full or
partial settlement of outstanding obligations through the enforcement of
security arrangements; and
Any other facility where the full collection of interest and principal is in doubt
provisions (IAPs)
Stage 1: 12 months
ECL - performing
Provisions raised for losses on loans that are known to be impaired and are
assessed on an individual basis. The estimated losses on these impaired loans
is based on expected future cash flows discounted to their present value and, as
this discount unwinds, interest will be recognised in the income statement
For financial assets where there has been no significant increase in credit risk
since origination a provision for 12 months expected credit losses is recognised.
Interest revenue is calculated on the gross carrying amount of the financial asset
Stressed exposures
Total committed
exposures (TCE)
Watchlist and
Watchlist and substandard, 90 days past due and not impaired and impaired
Represents the sum of the committed portion of direct lending (including funds
placement overall and deposits placed), contingent and pre-settlement risk plus
the committed portion of secondary market trading and underwriting risk
Loan facilities where customers are experiencing operating weakness and
financial difficulty but are not expected to incur loss of interest or principal
Westpac Group 2022 Full Year Results Presentation & Investor Discussion Pack
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