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IJMS INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL of MEDICAL STUDENTS XXI COMAPI $52 Abstracts Abstracts nal scapular chondrosarcoma in an young patient. Case report: A 30-year-old male presented to a care service with pain and functional limitation on the left shoulder girdle. Physical examination showed a wide and mobile tumor, which was irregular and painful when it was pressed on the left scapular area. Patient reported a prior resection of chondroid lesions on the same location in June 2005. A Computer Tomography (CT) showed an osteolytic lesion with soft tissue component affecting all the left scapula. The biopsy of the bone lesion diagnosed a malignant tumor consistent with well-diffe- rentiated chondrosarcoma, whose resection margins were neoplasm free. So, it was indicated an internal total scapulectomy with a par- tial claviclectomy and grand dorsalis shred. Histological study of the surgical specimen showed a lobulated and bright intraosseous sca- pular lesion, measuring 18.0 X 11.0 x 7.0cm with cortical rupture and invasion of soft tissues, what confirmed the diagnosis of a conven- tional chondrosarcoma. Conclusion: The histopathological chondroid neoplasms diagnosis is challenging, whereas histological features of benign and malignant neoplasms are overlapped. However, the co- rrelation between clinical, radiological and histopathological findings allow an accurate diagnosis in most cases, particularly when there is an unusual topography involvement, as we seen in this case. 43 Sensory Manifestations In Patients With Devic's Disease: Report Of Two Cases Rozangela Dos Santos Veloso; Carlos Fernando Rodrigues Batista; Luiz Euripedes Almondes Santana Lemos; Gregory Ramon Bandeira Da Silva; Raimundo Nonato Campos Sousa. Introduction: Devic's disease has inflammatory and demyelinating nature. It is characterized by optic neuritis and myelitis. Typically manifests as unilateral or bilateral loss of visual acuity, severe pa- raplegia or tetraplegia with sphincter dysfunction and impairment of well defined sensory level, pain and spasms of the trunk and extremities. The prevalence among all other demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system (CNS) is only 1.5%. It is more common in women, with peak incidence ranging from 35 to 45 years. Affec- ted patients have an IgG autoantibody (NMO-IgG auto) targeting the protein Aquaporin Channel 4. CASE REPORTS: 1) Patient 39, female, white, lives in Teresina. 15 months ago She noticed severe reduction of visual acuity in the right eye. 4 months ago she developed pa- raesthesia and reduced tactile sensitivity in the left arm that exten- ded to other areas of the body. Subsequently, there were transient reduction in visual acuity in the left eye. Associately, She started incontinence and constipation. On examination, we found changes in the optic nerve, slight reduction of strength in the left limbs and painful and sensory sensitivities and presence of Lhermitte's sign. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the cervical spine were re- quested, which showed hyperintensity on T2 in the central portion of the cord with mieloedema extending from C2 to C5 and, among other tests, serum antibody to aquaporin-4, with positive results. 2) Patient 19, female, white, resides in Parnaíba. 8 months ago, She started low back pain. She evolved with urinary retention and difficulty in walking. She refers episode of diffuse muscle spasms. In recent months started throbbing bitemporal headache, bilateral retro-orbital pain, blurred vision, muscle strength and reduced tactile sensitivity in the lower limbs. In the current survey, there is grade 5 muscle strength and reduced tactile sensitivity in the lower limbs. She can not stand. Among other tests, MRI of spine which showed hyperintense T2 signal in the central portion of the spinal cord in vir- tually its entire length were required, and measurement of antibody to aquaporin-4, with positive results. Final thoughts: The Neuromye- litis Optica is an autoimmune disorder of the central nervous system rare. The dosage autoantibody increased to 4 aquaporina- became important diagnostic criteria. 44 Severe Adverse Drug Reaction After Ending Of Dual Therapy For Hepatitis C: A Rare Occurrence Luíza Sá E Rêgo Tupinambá; André Freitas Nunes; Lorena Araújo Luz; Matheus Filipe Oliveira Azevedo; Vítor Assunção Da Ponte Lopes; Conceição De Maria Sá E Rêgo Vasconcelos. Introduction: The classical treament for hepatitis C involves peg in- terferon alfa and ribavirin. The use of these drugs may be involved with the occurrence of systemic, psychiatric, hematologic, and skin adverse reactions, like rash. The acute rash, morbilliform or scarla- tiniform, that is usually urticarial and sometimes accompanied by itching, may be associated with general symptoms, such as fever, arthralgia and headache. The clinical develops suddenly, starting at variable time. This report has the objective of describing a dual therapy-related adverse drug reactions and to alert health care pro- fessionals to monitor the occurrence of adverse reactions even after the end of treatment. CASE REPORTS: Female patient with genotype 3 hepatitis C virus has undergone dual therapy with interferon and ribavirin for 24 weeks. During the treatment, adverse effects, such as anorexia, asthenia, depression, anemia and leukopenia, occurred, but were solved without discontinuation of the treatment. One day after the conclusion of the dual therapy, she presented itching and erythematous lesions on the scalp progressing to neck, trunk and limbs. Therefore, an acute generalized scarlatiniform erythema oc- curred. She denies the use of other medications or substances that could justify the rash. At first, utilized sunflower oil, petrolatum so- dium, fexofenadine and clobetasol propionate cream. With 1 week of treatment and no remission of symptoms, initiated prednisone 20 mg/day orally. Laboratory tests (07/03): hemoglobin: 10.2 g / dl; hematocrit: 31.2%; leukocytes: 4,900 / mm with eosinophilia of 29%; platelets: 150,000 mm ALT: 47 Histopathology consis- tent with drug eruption. Her symptoms in two weeks disappeared without sequelae. Final thoughts: This case describes the occurrence of serious adverse drug-related reaction to hepatitis C dual therapy, occurring after the end of treatment. This is an unusual condition, since the peak incidence of these reactions occurs in the first two weeks after the start of the drug. Then, it is necessary for physicians to remain vigilant to possible adverse reactions even after the end of treatment. 45 Study About The Occurrence of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) In Teresina, In The Period of 2007-2012 Augusto César Evelin Rodrigues; José James Lima Da Silva Segundo; Joycce Huanna De Souza Silva. Introduction: Dengue is one of the most important diseases in Brazil. A clinical manifestation of it that deserves attention is the Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF), which has a high mortality rate. Divided into 4 grades, DHF is diagnosed clinical and laboratory assessment, and presents signs of hemorrhage, as well as the usual symptoms of dengue. Objectives: To evaluate the occurrence of DHF cases in Teresina during 2007-2012 by sex, age, grade, school, time of year, area, mortality and lethality. Identify major complications and evo- lutions. Methods: Epidemiological study of secondary quantitative data taken from the Notifiable Diseases Information System (SINAN). All data according to gender, age, grade, race, education, time of year, area, mortality, and lethality were analyzed. Data were grou- ped into Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and displayed in graphs and tables. Results: We found 109 reported cases of DHF in the period. 67% of them were female. 45% of those aged 20-60 years and 28% at 5-9 years with lower participation in other age groups. 57.8% oc- curred in DHF grade II and others, altogether reached 34%. 38.5% of the patients analyzed were illiterate or had only incomplete 1st to 4th grade and 11% had completed higher education. It was noticed that 89.9% of cases occurred in the period from March to July, and that 60% of cases were recorded in 2007. 97.3% of cases occurred in urban areas. Patients with DHF represent from o to 2% of the total cases of dengue. 89% were cured and 9.2% died. Conclusion: Preva- lence in females due to higher predisposition, and aged 5-9 years on low immunogenicity. The higher the degree study, more prevention and education. 90% of cases occurred in the period from March to July, coinciding with the rainy season in Teresina, setting a seasonal disease. There was a predominance of cases in 2007, which can be explained by the introduction of DENV 2 virus in Teresina, which has great potential for developing DHF. It was noted that the number of cases has increased in recent years due to greater chance of develo- ping this clinical form, because most of the population have already had at least one dengue infection. It is essentially an urban disease, where there is greater circulation of the virus and the mosquito. It was also observed, highly lethal. 9% of the patients died. 46 Study Of The Occurrence of Cases Of Meningitis In Teresina-Pi In The Period 2007-2012 Joycce Huanna De Sousa Silva; Brunna De Sousa Silva; Maylla Moura Araújo; Felipe Gomes Da Silva; Talisia Farias Castro; Augusto César Evelin Rodrigues. Introduction: Meningitis is an inflammation of the meninges, which may originate through the bloodstream or as a result of other in- fections, being a reportable disease. It is a serious and endemic disease that can affect individuals of any age and is caused by va- rious infectious agents. Objectives: To analyze the occurrence of ca- ses of meningitis in Teresina 2007-2012; identify the distribution of cases by age group (FE) and sex; raise the mortality and mortality of meningitis and to investigate the main etiological agents of the di- sease. Methodology: The present study is an epidemiological, cross- sectional, quantitative and retrospective. The data were collected from an active search in the databases of the Information System for Notifiable Diseases (SINAN) and Interagency Network of Health Infor- mation (RIPSA). We analyzed all cases according to sex, EF, etiology, mortality and lethality in the period from 2007 to 2012 in Teresina-Pl. The following data were tabulated through the Excel spreadsheet and PrismaⓇ. Results: Of the 1701 reported cases, 196 (11.52%) occurred in 2007, 384 (22.57%) in 2008, 502 (29.51%) in 2009, 243 (14.28%) in 2010, 213 (12.52%) in 2011 and 163 (9.58%) in 2012 cases were predominant in males, with 58% in 2008, 59% 2009, 61% in 2010, 55% in 2011 and 60% in 2012 and an equal number of cases in the years 2007, 2007, 2010, 2011 and 2012, the FE greater number of cases was 20-39 years and in 2008 and 2009 was 5-9 years. According to the etiology, 83 (4.87%) cases were ignored / white, 1 (0.05%) type meningococcemia, 11 patients (0.64%) meningococcal 5 (0.29%) tuberculosis, 163 (9.58%) Bacterial, 442 (25.98%) unspecified, 935 (54.96%) Viral, 33 (1.94%) of Other etiologies, 2 (0.11%) Haemophilus influenzae and 24 (1.41%) for pneumococcal. Of the total cases, 1586 were cured, 73 and 37 appeared for death as unknown. The mortality rate in the study period was 4.3%. Conclusion: The high incidence of cases in the period occurred in males, in EF 20-39 years and as a cause viral meningitis, which had in 2009 a larger number of cases. This same trend was obtained in relation to the etiology of the cases, with regard to bacterial meningitis, pneumococcal and unspecified. The mortality rate is still considered high and low lethality throug- hout the study period, with a materially stable from 2007 to 2010 and declining proportion in other years. 47 Subungual Epidermoid Carcinoma: A Case Report Amanda Tauana Oliveira E Silva; Rayra Gomes Ribeiro; Antô- nio José Silva Meneses Filho; Ana Lúcia Nascimento Araújo; Lauro Lopes Lourival Filho; Sabas Carlos Vieira. Introduction: Tumors of nail bed are rare and are associated with chronic inflammation secondary to trauma, infection or exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common tumor of the nail bed. Onychomycosis can be the presenting symp- tom, as well as a predisposing factor in patients with occupational risk. The early detection of these tumors offers the best chance of preserving the maximum hand function. Treatment modalities in- clude chemotherapy, Mohs surgery, and amputation. Case report: Patient, 50, male, no history of hypertension, diabetes or smoking. Sought the dermatology service in June 2014 for a lesion on the first finger of the right hand four years ago. Reported having conduc- ted several topical treatments without success. Clinical examination showed a granulomatous subungual bleeding lesion in the proximal third. In the axilla there were no suspicious lymph nodes. A biopsy of the tumor, which showed the presence of carcinoma metatypical. The chest radiograph was normal. Was performed held excision of the nail matrix and bed with biopsy freezing margins. We opted for the shortening of the phalanx and flap in VY pulp to preserve half the length of the distal phalanx and the distal interphalangeal joint of the thumb. Immunohistochemical study revealed invasive squa- mous cell carcinoma G2, HSM-3415-pan-keratin positive, p63 positive and negative epithelial glycoprotein. No adjuvant treatment was in- dicated. Patient had an uneventful recovery and two months after surgical treatment lies in tracking. Conclusion: The presence of an expanding lesion in the subungual region that does not respond to medical therapy should draw attention to the diagnosis of malignant lesion, avoiding delays in diagnosis as in the present, in which case four years have passed since the beginning of symptoms to establis- hing the correct diagnosis. 48 Surgical Correction Of Ectopic Penis And Ectopic Scrotum Associated With Bilateral Orchidopexy Daniel Santos Rocha Sobral Filho; Luis Gustavo Pinto; Lucas Arrais Chaves Nascimento; Francisco Alves Vieira De Sá Júnior; Helder Damásio Da Silva; Eulálio Damazio Da Silva Júnior. Purpose: Various congenital genital anomalies affecting males. Among them, cryptorchidism is the most common. The bilateral cryptorchidism constitutes one third of cases of anomalies. Others diseases are the ectopic penis and ectopic scrotum, although being rare. Ectopic penis is more reported in penoscrotal transposition ca- ses. The case that will be reported has clinical importance by the rarity of the association between ectopic penis, ectopic scrotum and bilateral cryptorchidism. Case report: Male patient, 10 years, with ectopic penis and ectopic scrotum located in the perineal region, without penoscrotal transposition and with bilateral cryptorchidism. He presented associated skeletal deformity of pubic shaft type with ankylosis of the knees, and no association with abnormalities of the urinary tract. MRI demonstrated cryptorchid and atrophied testes. The left testicle was located near the base of the penis and the right at inguinal canal. Previously, the child had undergone a left orchidopexy. It was unsuccessfully due to the ectopic location of the scrotum. The surgery was initiated by right inguinal incision, aiming to mobilize the right testicle which, however, was only possible to the anatomical position of the scrotum, and not to its real ectopic position. The procedure continued with surgical correction of ectopic penis and ectopic scrotum, which was initiated by an inverted Y inci- sion. It was complemented inferiorly to separate penis from scrotum. Then, penis was mobilized from perineum to its anatomical position. A flap was mobilized from perineal scrotal skin to setup a scrotum adjacent and inferior to the penis and to form the median raphe and the two hemiscrotums. After flap mobilization, the orchidopexy was initiated by right testicle positioning on right hemiscrotum and was continued by left testicle disposal on left hemiscrotums. The penis was sutured to the skin of pubic region. The scrotal flap with the testes positioned was fixed in its anatomical position. At least, a postectomy was performed and the perineal skin was sutured, which was free of tension due to non-removal of scrotum-perineal skin excess. Final considerations: Ectopic penis and ectopic scrotum associated with bilateral cryptorchidism are rare congenital anoma- lies and have few reports in the literature. The penis and scrotum positioning surgical correction was essential to treat cryptorchidism and to promote a gain in patient self-image. 49 Syndrome of Twin-Twin Transfusion: Case Repost Eduardo França Do Vale Chaves Filho; Anielle Memória Da Silva; Diego Ricardo Guimarães Rodrigues; Flávia Cristina Araújo Siqueira; Cintia Maria De Melo Mendes. Introduction: The syndrome of twin-twin transfusion (TTTS) occurs in up to 30% of monochorionic twin pregnancies diamnióticas. It is characterized by the unbalanced flow of blood of a fetus (donor) to another (recipient) through placental vascular anastomoses. Severe forms of the disease invariably show the anidrâmnio sequence (fe- tus donor) polyhydramnios (receiver fetus), with or without modifi- cation dopplervelocimetric fetoplacental, hydrops in the recipient or death of one or both fetuses. Case report: Female 32 years G6P4A0, monochorionic diamniotic twin pregnancy at 24 weeks gestation with late Doppler sonographic diagnosis of TTTS, due to incomplete realization of prenatal care. Performed a procedure to amniodrena- gem as a palliative measure, evolving into premature birth of two male children on the third day of hospitalization. The birth weights of the newborns were 1,180 and 480 grams (g) send to the fetus of INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL of MEDICAL STUDENTS • 2015 Vol 3 Suppl 1 . 2015 Vol 3 Suppl 1 XXI COMAPI INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL of MEDICAL STUDENTS S53
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