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Investor Presentaiton

Supermarket - Largest Local Retail Segment With Fast Growing O20 Penetration With annual sales over RMB3 trillion, supermarket remains the largest segment for local retail Supermarket 3 达达快送 达达集团 京东到家 DADA GROUP 020 platform is and will continue to be the major growth driver for supermarkets 020 GMV generated by platform model in supermarket segment Others Segment 6 RMB3+ trillion 23.7% Segment 5 Local Retail Segment 4 Sales by Segment¹, 2021 Segment 2 Segment 3 Segment 3 +51% CAGR 2019 2021 2025E Penetration² 1% 16% ||| JDDJ is the absolute leader and continues to expand market share among 020 platforms in supermarket segment Market Shares³ of Local On-demand Retail Platforms in China Supermarket Segment, 2021 Source: ¡Research. Notes: No. 1 【京东到家 No. 2 27% +2 ppt YoY 16% 1. Local retail sales do not include sales from categories such as automobile and building materials. Segment 2 refers to Apparel and Personal Care Stores; Segment 3 refers to Food, Beverage and Tabaco Stores; Segment 4 refers to Drug Stores; Segment 5 refers to Consumer Electronics and Appliance Stores; Segment 6 refers to Department Stores; Segment 7 refers to Convenience Stores.. 2. Represents 020 GMV generated by platform model as % of total China supermarket retail GMV. 3. Represents market share of local on-demand retail platform in the China supermarket segment, in terms of GMV. 9
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