Investor Presentaiton
Summary of EMPOWER THE NEXT-22
Built a foundation to challenge our vision, worked on identifying issues and formulating
measures to achieve
Building a resilient business foundation
Positioned basic chemicals, functional chemicals and healthcare as a
core business and promoted resilience strategy
✓ Commencement of divisional organizational management
✓ Expansion of manufacturing capacity (Allyl Ethers, Healthcare)
Further strengthening of 3 core businesses and expanding the scale
Efforts to achieve the SDGs
Aimed to build a system that contributes to the realization of a
sustainable global environment through our corporate activities
✓ Establishment of a system for promoting sustainability (basic policy
and committee)
✓ Settings materiality and KPI
Promotion of sustainability measures and expand of disclosure
Promotion of market-in-type development
Aimed to build a system for early market launch by understanding
customer needs through collaboration between business division and
R&D division
Implementation of progress and revision of development themes based
on the DR system
✓ To establish an internal framework for promote development themes
Improvement of management ability
Strengthening Company-wide Efforts for Market-In-Type Development
Reforming corporate culture and
organizational culture
Reformed our business system and personnel system, and raised the
level of our organizational and human resources capabilities through
business reform activities
Promoting the Reform of Corporate Cultures and Organizational Cultures
under the new corporate philosophy system
✓ Revisions to the personnel system and Renewal personnel training policies
Start updating the core system
Establishment of business reform activities in each division
Something Better with Chemicals
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