Funding and Green Projects Evaluation slide image

Funding and Green Projects Evaluation

MuniFin Copyright Muni Fin 5 1 MuniFin is committed to building a better and more sustainable future with its customers MuniFin's strategy highlights 1 MuniFin's key principles for responsibility and goals Responsible products and services Goal 2024: Customer satisfaction is at a very good level We ensure the availability of financing for our customers in all market conditions. Forerunner in sustainability 2 Goal 2024: Green and social finance account for 20% of the long- term customer financing portfolio 2 We secure our strong position in the capital markets with good risk management, a low risk profile and a joint municipal funding system. Developing wellbeing at work 3 Goal 2024: Personnel satisfaction is at a good level 3 We aim to secure our profitability and operations in the long term, but do not aim to maximise our profit. Strong corporate governance 4 Goal 2024: All ESG risks associated with customers are assessed with a uniform method
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