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Investor Presentaiton

Pro forma balance sheet Transaction Pro forma Notes: In $'m Bega¹ Capital Raising² Debt Funding³ Lion Dairy and Drinks4 Acquisition Adjustment and Upfront Cash and cash equivalents 22.9 392.5 198.4 (534.1) Costs6 (56.8) Post Acquisition 1 22.9 2 Trade and other receivables 117.4 Inventories 257.4 Property, plant and equipment 446.0 Rights-of-use assets 8.8 194.1 93.3 496.2 61.4 311.5 350.7 942.2 70.1 Intangible assets 548.1 548.1 Other Assets 22.9 45.4 68.3 Total Assets 1,423.4 392.5 198.4 890.4 (534.1) (56.8) Trade and other payables 253.4 159.5 2,313.9 412.9 4 Borrowings 247.3 198.4 445.7 Finance lease liabilities 11.3 77.8 89.1 5 Provisions 52.4 73.7 126.2 Deferred tax liabilities 45.0 45.0 Other Liabilities 0.1 3.4 Total Liabilities 609.4 198.4 314.5 Share capital 480.5 392.5 575.9 (575.9) Reserves 20.9 Retained earnings 312.7 41.8 Net Assets 814.0 392.5 575.9 (534.1) (56.8) (56.8) 3.5 1,122.3 873.0 20.9 297.7 1,191.5 Net Debt EBITDA8 Net Debt/Equity Net Debt (Net Debt + Equity) Net Debt/EBITDA (post-AASB 16) Net Debt/EBITDA (pre-AASB 16) Page 29 3 Net Assets of Bega as reported at 30 June 2020. Refer to the Investors section on Bega's website for Bega's FY20 annual report Assumes proceeds from the Capital Raising of approximately $401 million. Estimated gross transaction costs of $8.5 million are offset against Capital Raising proceeds. $401 million Equity Raising proceeds are underwritten however the underwriting agreement is subject to certain termination events and may be terminated Reflects the drawdown of $198 million of core debt facilities in order to fund the acquisition and the Transaction and Upfront Costs. These costs will be funded through Bega's new and existing debt facilities and internal cash. Estimated total debt facility costs of $2.5 million will be capitalised and amortised throughout the term of the debt facilities Lion Dairy and Drinks Assets reflects the assets of the Lion Dairy and Drinks business based on unaudited pro forma financial information as at August 2020. Includes land and buildings book value of $220 million Reflects the acquisition price of Lion Dairy and Drinks of $534.1 million and an illustrative $41.8 million impact to retained earnings arising from the acquisition. The total acquisition price is subject to customary completion adjustments in respect of working capital and net debt. This adjustment to reflect the estimated financial effect of accounting for the acquisition of Lion Dairy and Drinks is illustrative only, and does not reflect a full allocation of the fair value of assets and liabilities acquired. Australian Accounting Standards require an allocation of fair value of assets and liabilities acquired which has not been undertaken and may result in a materially different outcome to the illustrative impact presented here. The Company has 12 months from the date of acquisition to finalise the provisional purchase price accounting 6 Reflects approximately $35.0 million of stamp duty, approximately $7.3 million of acquisition transaction costs, approximately $14.5 million (after tax) of upfront integration costs. This does not include additional transition and separation costs identified in the uses of funds on page 28 Net debt includes finance lease liabilities and $6.1 million of bank guarantees but excludes trade receivable facility Reflects Bega FY20 normalised EBITDA and pro forma, normalised EBITDA for Lion Dairy and Drinks for the 12 months ended September 2020, based on unaudited financial information, prior to one off transaction, transition and upfront costs and any impact arising from finalisation of the purchase price accounting Bega 241.8 (392.5) 77.8 534.1 56.8 103.0 55.9 518.0 158.9 7 29.7% 22.9% 2.3 x 2.3 x 43.5% 30.3% 3.3 x 8 3.1 x
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