1H 2013 Earnings Presentation slide image

1H 2013 Earnings Presentation

Reconciliation: Statutory to EBITDA (US $M) $ in Millions Revenue EBIT Cash from Operations² EBITDA NPAT Statutory 1H 2012 Restructuring Charges Adjusted Statutory Restructuring Adjusted 1H 2012 1H 2013 Charges 1H 2013 1,099 1,099 719 719 148 1 149 (307) 315 8 61 1 62 16 18 34 208 1 209 (235) 315 80 98 1 98 (329) 269 (60) 1 The income statement is presented on both a statutory and an adjusted basis. The adjusted measure excludes the impact of $315M ($269M net of tax) of restructuring and related impairment charges, of which $18M was paid in cash in 2013. 2 Before interest and tax payments BOART LONGYEAR 1H 2013 Earnings Presentation 31
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