H1 FY21 Finance and Cost Analysis slide image

H1 FY21 Finance and Cost Analysis

RESHAPING OUR PORTFOLIO We are simplifying our portfolio, exiting lower returning businesses III SOUTH32 Exited businesses Exiting businesses METALLOYS (60%) Alloy smelter on care and maintenance SOUTH AFRICA ENERGY COAL (100%) Targeting divestment by 31 March 2021(a) Notes: a. Refer to the market announcement "Agreement to Divest South Africa Energy Coal" dated 6 November 2019. EAGLE DOWNS METALLURGICAL COAL (50%) Project placed on hold while we assess options for our joint venture interest PRECIOUS METALS ROYALTY PORTFOLIO (100%) Sale to Elemental Royalties Corp. for US$40M cash & US$15M in Elemental shares completed TEMCO (60%) Divestment completed SLIDE 24
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