State and Scope of Property Taxation in Bangladesh
Section 3: Current State of Property Taxes in Bangladesh
- Learning from the Evidence
☐ Wealth inequality is also significantly higher in Bangladesh
➤ According to World Inequality Database, in 2021, the bottom 50% population owned only 4.80% of
total wealth in Bangladesh compared to the top 10% population, who owned 58.45 % of total wealth
❖ Higher wealth accumulation, rising income and wealth inequality all exhibit the need to tax
wealth to correct income and wealth inequality by redistributing resources among the most
vulnerable and marginalised population through enhanced public service delivery and by
reducing wealth concentration among a certain portion of the population
As wealth includes both financial and non-financial assets/movable and immovable assets which
comprise property, strengthening the existing property tax system is pragmatic given the current
economic context of Bangladesh
State and Scope of Property Taxation in Bangladesh
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