Warehouse & Storage Strategies
Bond Types and Levels
Public Grain Warehouse - determined by licensee's total
physical capacity licensed in ND, the length of time the
licensee has been licensed, the licensee's annual grain purchase
volume*, and the licensee's scale ticket conversion policy**.
Licensed less than 7 years
$65,000 minimum
$2,000,000 maximum unless Commissioner determines additional bond is needed
Licensed 7 years or more
$50,000 minimum
$2,000,000 maximum unless Commissioner determines additional bond is needed
*If more than 7 times its total licensed and bonded capacity, additional bond coverage is
required at a rate of $5,000 for each 25,000 bushels or fraction.
**A required bond may be reduced by 30% if licensee establishes and follows a conversion
policy of 10 days or less and by 15% for a policy of 11 to 21 days.
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