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Investor Presentaiton

PANORAMA OF THE PRIVATE SECTOR'S PARTICIPATION IN SANITATION 2021 A NEW SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC FRONTIER FOR BRAZIL - Iguá Saneamento Mobile APP IguAPP Since December 2020, Iguá has had the innovative IguAPP application. Built in the Powerapps tool of Microsoft Office 365, this tool is now being used for operational con- trol. The new technology allows the precise identification of the services performed by the teams, and provides assertive and prac- tical calculations of network indicators. By mobile phone, the teams, who have un- dergone training, access the app using the corporate account password and connect- ing to the tool. The application uses the information to feed the operating system database, in addition to assisting the man- agement of teams by calculating the ser- vices productivity and providing materials and third parties management. It is also possible to manage the rental of equipment and maintenance of the fleet and electromechanics. This data is essen- tial for the reduction of operating costs and for asset management. In the first two months using the new tool, we could ob- serve an improvement of 33% in the Inter- nal Rate of Return indicator. Palestina (SP) Full Concession With the concessionaire ESAP, of the Aviva Ambiental and Iguá Groups, in operation since 2007, the municipality has one of the lowest rates of water loss in the country: 11% (average between May 2020, and April 2021). This excellent indicator is the result of constant investments and the perfor- mance of a specialized technical team. To achieve these indices, every day the company monitors the loss of water into the systems, with research carried out through the minimum night flow (technique used to measure water pressure and flow), mechanical listening rod on the city's water meter assemblies, and the use of the geo- phone, which identifies the exact location of the leak so that maintenance is carried out in the shortest possible time. In addi- tion, the population is invited to take part in this process through awareness cam- paigns in the fight against internal leaks in the residences. Moves to tackle fraud are also essential to achieve these results. The full concession in Palestina is valid for 30 years. SAP serves 12,000 people and works to universalize access of the popula- tion to quality water supply and sewage col- lection services. Within this effort, it is worth mentioning the inauguration of the Jurupeba sewage treatment plant last August. Thus, Palestine will reach 97% of sewage collec- tion and treatment coverage, getting close to universal provision of such services. The treatment system used at STP Juru- peba is activated sludge with prolonged aeration. The technology is more effec- tive for avoiding bad smells in the effluent treatment process. 78 79
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