Event Passport Krasnodar Region
The Russian Investment Forum
in Sochi
The Russian Investment Forum
in Sochi is currently the major in-
vestment fair of the country and
one of the largest Russian ven-
ues for a productive dialogue of
business and authorities. The Fo-
rum in Sochi is an annual event
aimed at attracting investments,
presenting priority investment
projects of Russian regions and
promotion of their potential to
domestic and external markets.
Event Passport
Krasnodar Region
The Golden Field (or Golden Niva)
International Agricultural Exhibition
The Golden Field (or Golden Niva)
International Agricultural Exhibi-
tion with a Field Demonstration
of Techniques and Technologies
is an efficient tool for the promo-
tion of products among a large
number of heads and specialists
of agricultural and farming en-
terprises of leading agricultural
regions of Russia that are inter-
ested in choosing the agricul-
tural machinery, equipment and
materials to resolve their pro-
duction problems. Annually the
Exhibition is attended by over
23,000 people, 85% of which are
specialists in farming. The Exhi-
bition includes several thematic
sections: agricultural machinery,
specialized machinery, compo-
nents, vegetable cultivation: elite
seeds and hybrids of agricultural
crops, PPPs, fertilizers.
Events of the Forum are tradi-
tionally attended by leaders of
the Russian Government, author-
ities from the constituent terri-
tories of the Russian Federation,
Russian and foreign top manag-
ers, heads of diplomatic missions,
significant investors and lead-
ing business experts. The First
Kuban Economic Forum took
place in Sochi in 2002 as a re-
gional event aimed at increasing
awareness of potential investors
of the economy of the Krasnodar
Region. In 2007 the Forum add-
ed 'investment' to its name, while
Sochi that hosted the event re-
ceived a status of the candidate
city for the Olympic Games 2014.
Over sixteen years the Forum
has become one of the largest
international business events in
Russia. In 2018, more than 6,000
people from 63 countries of the
world took part in the Russian In-
vestment Forum.
YugBuild International
Exhibition of Finishing and
Building materials
Vinorus Krasnodar
International Exhibition of
Wine Products
YUGAGRO, the International Exhibition
of Agricultural Machinery
YUGAGRO, the International Ex-
hibition of Agricultural Machinery,
Equipment and Materials for Crop
Production is the largest of this
kind in Russia.
The YugBuild International Exhibition of Finishing
and Building materials, Engineering Equipment,
Construction Machinery and Architectural Design
is the largest exhibition of building and finishing
materials, engineering equipment and architectural
design in the South of Russia.
The Vinorus Krasnodar International Exhibition
of Wine Products and Drinks, Equipment and
Technologies for Vine Growing and Winemaking
is the largest exhibition of wines and alcoholic
beverages in the South of Russia. It features a wide
range of alcoholic beverages, special grape wines,
table and local wines, exclusive, vintage and garage
wines, as well as wine accessories.
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