Decarbonizing Maritime Transport slide image

Decarbonizing Maritime Transport

OCI's strategic footprint will capture the hydrogen potential We are uniquely positioned to drive the hydrogen economy through our geographic presence & product mix Nitrogen and methanol assets located inland and on US Gulf with direct access to key infrastructure allowing us to capitalize on abundant wind and solar power Nitrogen and methanol assets with direct access to hydrogen pipeline infrastructure coupled with strategic European import terminal at Rotterdam Optimal solar/wind resources Least Most OCI production assets Strategically located on the East and West of the Suez Canal allowing exports from MENA to Europe as green ammonia or as an energy carrier OCI's unique advantages One of the largest ammonia and methanol producers in the world • Only methanol producer with plants in the US and Europe and only nitrogen producer with plants in the US, Europe and MENA Strategic locations on the busiest shipping lanes in the world • Largest exporter globally of seaborne. merchant ammonia and urea Plants have ample access to low cost solar and wind sources with access to large areas of barren, flat land • MENA assets best-placed to fulfill Europe's hydrogen import needs • Existing European infrastructure & assets are excellent for importing hydrogen as ammonia OCI Source: Derived from IEA hydrogen cost from hybrid solar PV and onshore wind systems in the long term 13
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