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Investor Presentaiton

Goal: Economic and Social Well-Being of Rural Areas Objective: Enhance rural access to services О 82 more Medical Centers → 584 medical centers could have access to passenger rail services a 16% increase ○ 600 additional higher education institutions → 3,300 public and private not-for-profit higher education institutions could have access to passenger rail services a 22% increase ○ 12 more NPS lands → 75 National Parks, Recreation Areas, and Preserves could have access to passenger rail services a 19% increase +502 Medical Centers 2,700 Public/Private Higher Education 63 National Parks, Recreation Areas, and Preserves Baseline Network Values exclude Alaska and Hawaii. +82 Additional Medical Centers (16%) +600 Additional Institutions (22%) +12 Additional Parks (19%) = 584 will have access to passenger rail = 3300 will have access to passenger rail = 75 will have access to passenger rail Preferred Network Source: U.S. Census Bureau. 2020 census tract boundaries, U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security 2023 (Locations), Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data Geoplatform (HIFLD), National Parks Service data created by Land Resources Division 2023 U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Railroad Administration 110 FRA LONG-DISTANCE SERVICE STUDY
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