Investor Presentaiton
Concept Note -
TOR investment
survey in Punjab
World Bank mission is interested in obtaining an independent feedback
from investors and their perception of the investment climate in the Punjab
province of Pakistan, including policy constraints, government support
towards investors, such as incentive programs, and future investment
plans/intentions in Punjab. Proposed survey will focus on domestic and
foreign investor who are already based in the key economic areas of
Punjab and hence is the proposal.
Survey Objectives
The Government of Punjab (GoPunjab) is making substantial efforts toward
improving the overall investment climate for attracting investment and
stimulating business growth. In the context of these reforms. GoPunjab is
keen to remove the main investment climate obstacles facing investors
and increase overall investor satisfaction with Punjab as an investment
destination. This includes removing investment policy obstacles, embarking
on an investor promotion/aftercare program, and stimulating greater
linkages and domestic value addition (DVA) with local firms, to support the
retention and further growth of existing investments in the country.
The survey findings will be included in a comprehensive Investment Reform
Map (IRM), which will outline policy recommendations to GoPunjab
specifically related to investor entry, establishment, operations, incentives,
protection, retention, and linkages / DVA. Understanding the experiences
of existing investors will help GoPunjab, PBIT and provincial level partners in
their efforts at improving policies directed toward investor and the
investment climate, including investment promotion and aftercare efforts;
these improvements should also encourage potential new investors to
consider Punjab in their investment location decisions.
Who are we Interviewing
The survey envisions to interview a select number of Key Stakeholders
falling into :
Foreign Investors having Investment in Punjab
Local Investors having Investment in Punjab
Affiliated with Gallup International
Pakistan's Foremost Social Research Lab
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