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Investor Presentaiton

2021 INVESTOR DAY Fleet cascade provides asset base flexibility Coal fleet most exposed to thermal coal is most useful for our Bulk growth ambitions ASSET Above Rail Units (#) WDV1 ($bn) QLD WA NSW Locomotives 600 $1.2 68% 17% 14% Wagons 12,500 $1.0 62% 24% 14% 35% >40% Facilities 11 $0.8 Darwin Thermal exposure Inter-operability Below Rail Wyndham CQCN n/a $5.0 Broome E #1 100 2,500 ($0.1bn) Port Hedland Karratha Dampler Mullewa Geraldton Morawa WESTERN AUSTRALIA Leonora Porenjort Kalgoorlie Kambalda N.A. Porth Kwinana 100% Bunbury Esperance 5 Thermal exposure Albany Inter-operability WA 1. For simplification, rounded numbers have been provided for assets and Written Down Value (WDV) 2. Units exclude wagons held in storage NORTHERN TERRITORY Alice Springs SOUTH AUSTRALIA Townsville t Bowen Cairns QUEENSLAND Cloncurry Mt Isa Hughenden Collinsville Phosphate Hill Winton Longreach Emerald Charleville Quilple Broken Hill Crystal Brook Legend Coal - CQCN (Network) Bulk City/town Port Adelaide ( NEW SOUTH WALES Murtoa VICTORIA O Melbourne Mackay Rockhampton Gladstone Bundaberg Gymple Brisbane Newcastle Sydney Wollongong Canberra TASMANIA Hobart AURIZON. QLD ($2.1bn) #1 400 E 8,200 5 100 2,000 95% >40% Thermal exposure Inter-operability NSW ($0.8bn) 32 32
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