Funding and Green Projects Evaluation
Copyright MuniFin
Appendix 6
Keva - Local Government Pensions
Mandatory pension fund for people working in the local
government sector.
Responsible for funding the pensions of local government
employees and for investing their pension funds (1.3
million insured persons and pension recipients).
• Independent body governed by public law and operating.
in accordance with the Public Sector Pensions Act and the
Keva Act.
• Supervised by the Ministry of Finance, the Financial
Supervisory Authority and the National Audit Office of
• Fund assets totalling €58.0 billion (12/2020). Largest
pension fund in Finland.
Breakdown of investments
Hedge Funds 6 %
Real Estate 6 %
Private Equity 13 %
Fixed Income 35 %
As of 31 December 2020
Source: Keva 2020
Equities 40%View entire presentation