H1 FY23 Financial Performance slide image

H1 FY23 Financial Performance

Financial Performance Analysis H1 FY23 H1 FY22 GROWTH PAYMENTS BUSINESS $'000 $'000 % Revenue 209,423 145,984 43.5% H1 FY23 $'000 H1 FY22 $'000 GROWTH % Less: Interchange, scheme, integration + support fees (117,492) (77,926) 50.8% Transaction value 21,693,388 15,826,286 37.1% Gross profit (statutory) 91,931 68,058 35.1% Payments revenue and income 209,423 145,984 43.5% Less: Bendigo gross profit share (4,377) (4,446) 1.6% Add: Bendigo support fees 693 1,350 48.7% Banking revenue (including fair value gain/(loss)) 4,461 2,561 74.2% Gross profit2 (normalised) 88,247 64,962 35.8% Other revenue and income¹ (normalised) 2,706 667 306.2% Revenue¹ (normalised) 216,590 149,212 45.2% Less: Direct expenses (117,746) (78,053) 50.9% H1 FY23 BANKING BUSINESS Less: Bendigo gross profit share and support fees² (3,684) (3,096) 19.0% $'000 H1 FY22 $'000 GROWTH % Gross profit² (normalised) 95,160 68,063 39.8% Interest income 5,237 1,833 185.6% Less: Operating expenses (excl. share-based payments) (75,704) (65,291) 16.0% Fair value (loss)/gain on loan (776) 728 206.6% EBITDA³ (normalised) 19,456 2,772 601.0% Revenue 4,461 2,561 74.2% Less: Share-based payments expense (3,970) (3,720) 6.7% Less: Depreciation and amortisation (11,625) (9,949) 16.8% Less: Interest expense on deposits Gross profit (254) (127) 99.0% 4,207 2,434 A 72.9% EBIT (normalised) Less: Net interest expense 3,861 (740) (10,897) 135.4% (296) 150.6% H1 FY23 Profit/(loss) before tax (normalised) 3,121 (11,193) 127.9% OTHER REVENUE AND INCOME $'000 H1 FY22 $'000 GROWTH % Investment income 2,971 336 783.7% Other revenue and income Less: me&u fair value gain Gross profit2 (normalised) 3,709 331 1,020.5% (3,974) 2,706 667 100.0% 306.2% 1 2 3 4 Normalised other revenue and income is adjusted for the fair value gain of $4.0 million on the recognition of me&u as a financial asset. Normalised gross profit is adjusted for Bendigo support fees of $0.7 million associated with transition of Bendigo merchants to the Tyro platform, the Bendigo gross profit share of $4.4 million not deducted from statutory gross profit but deducted to calculate normalised gross profit and a fair value gain on the recognition of me&u as a financial asset. Refer to page 18 for a reconciliation of statutory to normalised results. Tyro uses EBITDA as a non-IFRS measure of business performance, which excludes the non-cash impact of share-based payments expense, share of losses from associates, change in accounting treatment of investments and one-off costs to implement the cost reduction program and any M&A related spend. Refer to page 18 for a reconciliation of statutory to normalised results. EBIT and normalised net profit before tax excludes the non-cash accounting impact of the Bendigo Alliance, expenses associated with the change in accounting treatment of investments and one-off costs to implement the cost reduction program and any M&A related spend. Refer to page 18 for a reconciliation of statutory to normalised results. 14
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