Investor Presentation: General Obligation Bonds Consolidated Loan of 2020 slide image

Investor Presentation: General Obligation Bonds Consolidated Loan of 2020

TENSIS What You Invest in When Investing in Massachusetts Bonds Transportation Maintain and improve the condition of Massachusetts' roads and bridges Improve reliability and modernization of MBTA subways, buses and commuter rail transit system Make the public transit system safer, more accessible and able to accommodate growth Housing and Economic Development Provides municipalities with funding for projects promoting economic development through the MassWorks program Investment in local housing authorities across 234 communities funding preservation and redevelopment of units that benefit approximately 80,000 low-income people, of whom about 70% are elderly, disabled or have other special needs Develop affordable housing for the Commonwealth's workforce, seniors and veterans Provide grants to foster job growth and innovation in the life sciences industry Broadband Last Mile Infrastructure program which is successfully closing the broadband connectivity gap in western Massachusetts MASSACH Sunderland Bridge; Source: CALEWIFE MBTA Subway Red Line; Source: to-modernise-signalling-system-in-boston-metro/?gdpr=accept 10
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