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Investor Presentation

We are growing our distribution asset base and we have high visibility over the upcoming period Distribution business Growing our Distribution business... Regulated Asset Base, € Bn ... on the back of visibility on regulatory frameworks Portugal Spain Brazil By 2026 19% 2022 32% 2026E 24% 30% RoR 2023-26 Regulation and inflation visibility Gross Investments¹ 2023-26 ~400,000 kms (+~20k vs. 2022) 5-6% 5.9 49% TOTEX methodology indexed to inflation RoR indexed to bond yields ~€1.5 Bn >90 TWh (+~5 TWh vs. 2022) 5.6% Next regulatory period starting in 2026 ~€0.6 Bn ~12 Mn connection points (+~500k vs. 2022) 7-8%2 Revenue indexed to inflation ~€1.1Bn 6.6 46% ~9 Mn ° smart meters (+2.5 ~€3.2 Bn Mn vs. 2022) 1. Including financial investments 2. Regulatory WACC after-tax in real terms edp Investors' Presentation 8
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