SoftBank Results Presentation Deck
Significant Portfolio
Value Unlocked
Through Public Listings
As of March 31, 2021
Fair Value4
Demonstrated Track Record
of Exits and Public Listings
Unrealized Future Potential
1. Exited Cost figure represents the cost for full and partially Realized Investments as of March 31, 2021. Exited Fair Value Figure represents the Gross Realized Proceeds for full and partially Realized Investments including Dividends as of March 31, 2021.
2. Public Cost figure represents the cost of Unrealized Investments that were publicly listed as of March 31, 2021. Public Fair Value figure represents the fair value of Unrealized Investments that were publicly listed as of March 31, 2021.
3. Private Cost represents the cost of Unrealized Investments that were not publicly traded as of March 31, 2021. Private Fair Value represents the fair value of Unrealized Investments that were not publicly traded as of March 31, 2021, and includes Dividends
received from these investments.
4. Exited, Public and Private Cost and Fair Value figures are for illustrative purposes only and does not reflect the expected position at the end of Softbank Vision Fund 1's life. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Individual investors'
results may vary.
The information herein is provided solely for illustrative purposes, reflects the current beliefs of SBIA as of the date hereof, is preliminary and is based on a variety of assumptions and estimates that are subject to various risks. Certain information presented herein is preliminary in nature, may be incomplete and inaccurate, and
subject to change. It should not be assumed that Investments made in the future will be comparable in quality or performance to the Investments described herein. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Valuations reflect Realized amounts and Unrealized estimated amounts and should not be construed as
indicative of actual or future performance. Such values do not reflect fees and expenses that would reduce the value of returns experienced by SoftBank Vision Fund 1 investors. There can be no assurance that Unrealized Investments will be sold for values equal to or in excess of the total values used in calculating the returns
portrayed herein. Actual returns on Unrealized Investments will depend on, among other factors, future operating results, the value of the assets and market conditions at the time of disposition, any related transaction costs and the timing and manner of sale, all of which may differ from the assumptions on which the valuations
reported herein are based. Accordingly, the actual Realized returns on Investments that are partially Realized or Unrealized may differ materially from the values indicated herein. Please see for a more complete list of SoftBank Vision Fund 1 Investments.
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