P3 Health Partners SPAC Presentation Deck slide image

P3 Health Partners SPAC Presentation Deck

P3 Excelerate - Provider Interface ā— Helps improve provider performance, quality and alignment to payment incentives Seeks to drive revenue through coding and chart review Provider of ADT alerting HEDIS/STAR Improvement HCC Recapture Drug Opportunities RAF Management P3 Excelerate Iveson, Kathleen PRACTICE: ABC HEALTHCARE 235 ACTIVE MEMBERS HIGH RISK-3 SORT: Risk 172 N NEW MEMBERS RISING RISK-25 138 NO PCP VISIT OTHER RISK-207 T FILTER HJonathon Doe last visit: 3/13/2019) Recent Admit Acute STAR Cpps 2 Drug Sub Opps 01 Suspect Dic 1 Historical Cxc3 HRichard Jones (last visit: na STAR Opps 3.1. Drug Sub Opps 01 Suspect Dic41 Historical Dx 3 Physicians Dashboard H Mark Walton (last visit n/a) Recent Admit ER LTAC STAR Opps: 91 Drug Sup Oppe 0. Suspect Dx 4. Historical Dic 3 R Jamie Nicolson (last visit: n/a) STAR Opps 2 | Drug Sua Opps 01 Suspect Dc3 | Hstancal Che 3 R Tammy Jamison last visit: n/al STAR Opps 9. 1. Drug Sua Opps 01 Suspect Dx 4 | Historical Dx:3 C Member Explorer > > > OP3 Excelerate Dashboard Member Explorer Physician Dashboard TMC MED NETWORK MEMBERS & METRICS QUALITY OPPORTUNITIES 2715 Member Census (Currently Admitted) 27 ACUTE O As of 08/14/2020 6:40 15 AM Eligibility/Pre-Auth Active Membership (12125) O 12125 0 OBS O Update [05/20/2020) HEDIS 2020 data is now available for Aetna (NV). Allwell (AZ), Anthem (NV), Atrio (OR), Blue Cross Blue Shield (AZ), Hometown Health (NV), Humana (AZ). Select Health (NV), and United (AZ). Please note that this data is as of 03/31/2020 for only Atrio (CR) and BCBS (AZ). All other health plans data is as of 04/30/2020. Senior Commercial MSSP (Senior) Claims 5446 NEW MEMBERS O Resources 2 ER O 60.5% PCP VISIT COMPLETION O 1568 Members Due 497 DRUG SUBSTITUTION OPPORTUNITIES O 0 Switch Dashboard: 0 8 SNF 0 1.36 51% HCC RECAPTURE O Chris Pempsell - Role: UI/UX Designer Last Login: 9/30/2020 5:09 PM 0.772 TMC MED NETWORK Care Mgmt Phone: (520) 392-8975 | Help ACCRUED RAFO Export Summary Report 5-STAR SCORE O 0 REHABO 0% CV COMPLETION O 3970 Members Due 1.5 44 F3
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